While very few middle market companies achieve an M&A event, I have yet to meet an entrepreneur that does not dream of the coveted sale of their company for maximum exit to fund their next big thing or create generational wealth. In fact, of those companies that...
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Five Common Blind Spots Business Owners Have That Reduce Business Value and Limit Exit Options.
Selling a Business, Owner Considerations, Exit Planning
Dodge these common pitfalls that jeopardize your business value. 1. Failure to have an exit plan I firmly believe that the biggest blind spot is not having goals for the ultimate and inevitable exit. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Even if a business owner never...
How to Negotiate a Deal with Private Equity – Price & Terms
Education, M&A, Private Equity Recapitalizations, Selling a Business
If you are an entrepreneur or CEO looking to sell your company to private equity, there are a few things you need to know about basic deal terms. In this blog post, we will give you an overview of what basic deal terms to expect when negotiating with private equity...
The Trifecta of M&A
M&A, M&A Education & Market, Selling a Business
In our experience at Merit Investment Bank & Co., we have found that there are three foundational elements that must be in place before we can apply a strategic approach to a successful M&A process for Entrepreneurs and CEOs. When these three conditions...
Why Having an Investment Banker on Speed Dial is Crucial… Especially Now.
Like many of your advisors who provide valuable services and expertise, adding an investment banker to your list of trusted advisors is crucial to your success. Most Entrepreneurs rely on advisors such as CPA’s, Attorneys, Wealth Managers, and Commercial Banking...
5 Things To Do Right Now if You’re Thinking About Selling
Are you considering selling your business? If so, you likely have many questions, and among the most common is: How much is my company worth? The answer may surprise you. A study conducted by MassMutual uncovered that the average owner overvalued their business by...
10 Tips For Selling your Business
Sell-side, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Selling a Business
As a business owner, the last year has been quite a roller coaster, especially if you have been considering the sale of your business. Perhaps you had even started the process to go to market before the pandemic only to see the deal fall apart as uncertainty shut down...
Selling Your Print & Graphics Business
Selling a Business, Valuation, Sell-side, Exit Planning
Businesses in the print and graphics industry have been forced to make massive adjustments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those with retail customers lived in uncertainty while waiting out shutdowns, and others that served the event vertical are still waiting for their...
10 reasons why now is the right time to sell
Sell-side, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Exit Planning, Selling a Business
10 Reasons Why Now is the Right Time to Sell Traditional wisdom touts that you should never attempt to "time the market," but a preponderance of evidence suggests NOW is the best time to sell your company. 1. Economy Post-COVID, the economy is rebounding....
Selling your business is like running a marathon
Selling a Business, Sell-side, Exit Planning, Value Creation
Many Entrepreneurs wake up one day and think, “I want to sell.” Some have a health scare or are forced into it. Some receive the coveted letter “XYZ Acquisition Company has been retained and has a qualified client looking to buy YOUR business” (Beware!). And some are...
The 3 most common deal killers
Selling a Business, Sell-side, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Exit Planning
The 3 Most Common Deal Killers Kirk Michie | Candor Advisors I once worked with a client who firmly believed his business was worth $80-$100 mm. No discounted cash flow analysis, no precedent transaction work, and nothing specific to comparable market feedback fueled...
the 3 step process for a successful Business transaction
Selling a Business, Sell-side, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Value Creation
If you're thinking of selling your company, you should know what to expect before you begin. The process of selling a company isn't that complicated, but you'll want a proven team from start to finish to achieve the best outcome. Too many times, we hear of business...