The 3 Most Common Deal Killers Kirk Michie | Candor Advisors I once worked with a client who firmly believed his business was worth $80-$100 mm. No discounted cash flow analysis, no precedent transaction work, and nothing specific to comparable market feedback fueled...
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Defending your equity value
Valuation, M&A, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Exit Planning, Value Creation
Defending Your Equity Value - Key Steps to Realizing Maximum Value in Your Business In 1960, as he concluded a legendary career in baseball, Ted Williams stood in front of his locker at Fenway Park while mired in one of the few slumps of his career. He told a pack of...
10 ways to make your business more valuable – Part 2
Selling a Business, Valuation, M&A, Sell-side, Business Valuation, Exit Planning
10 Ways to Make Your Business More Valuable – Part 2 In case you missed it or have landed here, please see: If you are considering selling your company at some point in the...
10 ways to make your business more valuable – Part 1
Exit Planning, Valuation, M&A, Sell-side, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation
10 Ways to Make Your Business More Valuable If you are considering selling your company in the future, you are likely wondering how much your company may be worth and what makes a business attractive to potential buyers. To help you understand those dynamics, my...
8 Things you NEED to do before you sell your Business
Strategic Advisory, Exit Planning, Restructuring & Special Situations, Value Creation, Sell-side, Owner Considerations, M&A Education & Market, Corporate Divestitures
While we are surprised by the potential "deal killers" every time we execute the sale of a business, there are a few things that remain constant. Our job as Investment Bankers is to maximize your value in the market by finding the right fit between you and a buyer....
Take Share to Regain Value
M&A, Sell-side, Owner Considerations, Exit Planning, Value Creation
Take Share to Regain Value The problem facing many businesses and owners is how to regain revenues and earnings in 2021 after a COVID-19 affected 2020. Those that figure this out will 'take share' (market share) and create significant value. After nearly a year...
Business as “Unusual” – 5 Things To Survive the Next Quarter
Industry Insights, Managing Risk, M&A, Owner Considerations, Growth Capital, Exit Planning, Restructuring & Special Situations, Value Creation
1. Retention is the new growth. In a shrinking revenue environment, smart companies must ensure they keep their existing customers happy. Objectively, many companies do not have the time (or cash) to pursue new business which is a riskier pursuit than keeping your...
Should I Sell My Business Now, Or Hold Off A Few Years?
Exit Planning, Restructuring & Special Situations, Value Creation, M&A, Sell-side, Owner Considerations, Strategic Advisory
Many business owners struggle with whether to sell their business or hold on a bit longer. Their trepidation is rooted in their uncertainty over which option yields the most rewarding outcome. We often see this level of doubt creep in with business owners who have a...
Hiring an Investment Bank That Specializes in M&A Improves Seller Outcomes, Here’s Why
Education, M&A, Sell-side, Owner Considerations, M&A Education & Market, Exit Planning
Selling your company is a major life decision. Not only do you want to get the highest return possible, you want to ensure that the legacy you’ve built lives on after you sell. But many CEOs choose to navigate the sales process themselves rather than choosing help...
The M&A Trifecta: The Key Pieces You Must Have in Place To Sell Your Business
Sell-side, M&A Education & Market, Exit Planning, Value Creation, Education, M&A
The sell-side M&A process has many layers that require different tactical approaches depending on your business’s unique circumstances. In some ways, no two sales processes are exactly the same. The playing field is a little different with every transaction, so a...
What Is My Company Really Worth?
M&A Education & Market, Business Valuation, Exit Planning, Education, M&A, Sell-side, Owner Considerations
Many businesses rely on simple techniques to estimate the value of their company. Business valuation firms use slightly more sophisticated methods such as discounted cash flow model, public market comparisons and other asset value methods. The numbers these methods...
What Should I Do to Prep?
Owner Considerations, M&A Education & Market, Strategic Advisory, Business Valuation, Exit Planning, Value Creation, Managing Risk, Education, M&A, Sell-side
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